24-port NWay Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
54 Using the Console Interface
that you use the tab key and backspace key for
moving around console.
Items in UPPERCASE are commands. Moving the
selection to a command and pressing Enter will
execute that command, e.g. APPLY, etc.
Please note that the command APPLY only applies for the
current session. Use Save Changes from the main menu for
permanent changes. An asterisk “*” indicates a change has
been made but won’t take effect until the Switch has been
First Time Connecting To The Switch
The Switch supports user-based security that can allow
you to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the
Switch or changing its settings. This section tells how to
log onto the Switch.
Note: The passwords used to access the Switch are
case-sensitive; therefore, “S” is not the same as
When you first connect to the Switch, you will be
presented with the first login screen (shown below).
Press Ctrl+R (hold down the Ctrl key, press the R key,
and release both keys) to call up the screen, if the initial
login screen does not appear. Also Ctrl+R can be used at
any time to refresh the screen.