DGS-3024 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Manual
Spanning Tree Instance). If a configuration name is not set, this field will show the
MAC address to the device running MSTP.
Revision Level
This value, along with the Configuration Name will identify the MSTP region configured
on the Switch.
This field shows the MSTI IDs currently set on the Switch. This field will always have
the CIST MSTI, which may be configured but not deleted. Clicking the hyperlinked
name will open a new window for configuring parameters associated with that
particular MSTI.
VID List
This field displays the VLAN IDs associated with the specific MSTI.
To delete a previously set MSTI Instance ID, click the corresponding under the Delete heading in the Current MST
Configuration Identification window. Clicking the Add button will reveal the following window to configure:
Figure 7- 17. Instance ID Settings window - Add
The user may configure the following parameters to create a MSTI in the Switch.
Parameter Description
Enter a number between 1 and 15 to set a new MSTI on the Switch.
Create is selected to create a new MSTI. No other choices are available for this field
when creating a new MSTI.
VID List (1-4094)
This field is used to specify the VID range from configured VLANs set on the Switch.
Supported VIDs on the Switch range from ID number 1 to 4094.
Click Apply to implement changes made.
To configure the settings for the CIST, click on its hyperlinked MSTI ID number in the Current MST Configuration
Identification window, which will reveal the following window to configure:
Figure 7- 18. Instance ID Settings window - CIST modify