The JamMan Express XT was designed to be very simple to use right out of the box� This
section of the manual describes how to perform the basic looping functions�
Recording a Phrase
The JamMan Express XT records a single phrase and then plays it back as a continuous loop�
To record a phrase:
1� Press the
FOOTSWITCH and begin playing to start recording� The REC LED will light
solid red and recording will begin�
2� When nished recording, press the
FOOTSWITCH once to set the loop end point� The
phrase will automatically begin playing back in a repeating loop and the
light solid green�
3� Press the
FOOTSWITCH 2 times quickly to stop loop playback�
NOTE: The maximum phrase recording length is 10 minutes�
Clearing a Phrase
Clear a phrase to re-record it or record a new phrase� The JamMan Express XT has a
unique feature, referred to as "Silent Clear
", which clears a phrase without requiring you to
play it rst. Note that you cannot undo the process of clearing a phrase, so make sure you
want to proceed before performing this function�
To clear a recorded phrase:
1� Stop loop playback if it is not already (all LEDs should be off)� If loop playback is active
PLAY LED is on), press the FOOTSWITCH 2 times to stop loop playback�
2� Press and hold the
FOOTSWITCH for ~2 seconds� The REC LED will quickly ash red,
indicating the phrase has been cleared�
NOTE: When using a slave/master looper setup, if the master loop is ~3 seconds or less
and if pressing and holding the
FOOTSWITCH from a stopped state does not initiate
clear on the slave device, you may need to initiate play then stop (3
presses) and hold the footswitch on the 3rd press to clear its loop�