The DigiTech
Step Filter is like an automatic “random wah” with a square waveform.
Parameters include:
Adjusts the speed of the Wah effect. Ranges from 0 to 99.
Controls the intensity of the Wah effect. Ranges from 0 to 99.
This envelope filter is based on the DOD FX25. Parameters include:
Adjusts the balance between effect signal and dry signal.
Adjusts the sensitivity or the input signal required to trigger the Wah effect. Ranges
from 0 to 99.
Controls the range of the envelope effect. Ranges from 0 to 99.
The DigiTech Whammy
is an effect that uses an Expression Pedal to bend the pitch of the
incoming signal, or add a bendable harmony with the original signal. As the Pedal is moved,
the note bends either up or down. When DigiTech Whammy is selected, it is automatically
placed before the Amp modeling. Parameters include:
Shift Amount
Selects the interval and direction of the pitch bend. Choices are:
(no Dry Signal)
1 OCTAVE UP (1 octave above)
2 OCTAVES UP (2 octaves above)
2ND DOWN (whole step down)
REVERSE 2ND DOWN (a whole step down
reversed pedal action)
4TH DOWN (a fourth below)
1 OCTAVE DOWN (an octave below)
2 OCTAVES DOWN (2 octaves below)
DIVE BOMB (Dive Bomb)
Harmony Bends
(Dry Signal Added)
MIN 3RD>MAJ 3RD (a minor third to a Major third)
2ND>MAJ 3RD (a second above to a Major third
3RD>4TH (a third above to a fourth above)
4TH>5TH (a fourth above to a fifth above)
5TH>OCTAVE (a fifth above to an octave above)
HARMONY OCTAVE UP (one octave above)
HARMONY OCTAVE DOWN (one octave down)
OCTAVE UP/DOWN (octave up/down)
Pedal Position
Provides a manual control of the Whammy pedal position. Ranges from 0 to 99.
Adjusts the Whammy mix. Ranges from 0 to 99.
GSP0 Owner’s Manual
The Edit Effects/Preset Screen