
Dynamic Memory Refresh Timer register
236 Hardware Reference NS9215
Register bit
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Dynamic Memory Refresh Timer register
Address: A070 0024
Bits Access Mnemonic Description
D31:15 N/A Reserved N/A (do not modify)
D14 R/W nRP Sync/Flash reset/power down signal (
dy_pwr_n signal low (reset value on reset_n)
dy_pwr_n signal high
D13 R/W Not used Always write to 0.
D12:09 N/A Reserved N/A (do not modify)
D08:07 R/W SDRAMInit SDRAM initialization
00 Issue
SDRAM NORMAL operation command (reset value on
01 Issue
SDRAM MODE command
10 Issue
SDRAM PALL (precharge all) command
11 Issue SDRAM NOP (no operation) command
D06 N/A Reserved N/A (do not modify)
D05 R/W Not used Must write 0.
D04:03 N/A Reserved N/A (do not modify)
D02 R/W SR Self-refresh request (
0 Normal mode
1 Enter self-refresh mode (reset value on reset_n)
By writing 1 to this bit, self-refresh can be entered under software
control. Writing 0 to this bit returns the memory controller to
normal mode.
The self-refresh acknowledge bit in the Status register must be
polled to discover the current operating mode of the memory
Note: The memory controller exits from power-on reset with the
self-refresh bit on high. To enter normal functional mode,
set the self-refresh bit low. Writing to this register with the
bit set to high places the register into self-refresh mode.
This functionality allows data to be stored over SDRAM
self-refresh of the ASIC is powered down.
D01 R/W Not used Must write 1.
D00 R/W CE Dynamic memory clock enable
0 Clock enable if idle devices are deasserted to save power (reset
value on
1 All clock enables are driven high continuously.
Note: Clock enable must be high during SDRAM initialization.