
64 Jackrabbit (BL1800)
A.3 Conformal Coating
The areas around the crystal oscillator and the battery backup circuit on the Jackrabbit
have had the Dow Corning silicone-based 1-2620 conformal coating applied. The confor-
mally coated areas are shown in Figure A-5. The conformal coating protects these high-
impedance circuits from the effects of moisture and contaminants over time, and helps to
maintain the accuracy of the real-time clock.
Figure A-5. Jackrabbit Areas Receiving Conformal Coating
Any components in the conformally coated area may be replaced using standard soldering
procedures for surface-mounted components. A new conformal coating should then be
applied to offer continuing protection against the effects of moisture and contaminants.
NOTE: For more information on conformal coatings, refer to Technical Note 303,
Conformal Coatings.
Conformally coated area