ood health is an exercise in common sense.
The Surgeon General released a new study in 2001, The Surgeon General’s Call To
Action To Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity. It indicates that 61% of
American adults are either overweight or obese. The story states that overweight
increases the risk of health problems, such as heart disease, certain types of cancer,
type 2 diabetes, etc. It further points out that overweight needs to be regarded prima-
rily as a Health rather than as an Appearance issue.
The Surgeon General’s Healthy weight advice for consumers is:
1. Aim for a healthy weight: Find your Body Mass Index (BMI) on the chart below.
2. Be active: Keep physically active to balance the calories you consume.
3. Eat well: Select sensible portion sizes.
Heart rate is an important key to your exercise.
The Surgeon General also released a report on physical activity and health. This report
definitively stated that exercise and fitness are beneficial for a person’s health and rede-
fined that exercise is a key component of disease prevention and healthier living.
Medical research has shown us that there is an amount of exercise, which is enough to
condition the cardio respiratory system and the muscles of the body. This amount of
exercise is between 60% and 85% of your maximum heart rate measured during a
training session. This range allows enough exercise to achieve fitness, but not an exces-
sive amount to cause injury. Your heart rate is an excellent indicator of the amount of
stress placed on the cardiovascular system. Taking full advantage of this information,
the 1260Ef is designed to include heart rate monitoring features.
BMI = (weight (lb) ÷ height
(in)) x 703
Healthy Weight Overweight Obese
Note: This chart is for adults (aged 20 years and older).
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1260Ef Owner’s Manual
Workout guidelines
120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250
Weight in Pounds
Height in Feet and Inches
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