WARNING: Do not remove the front or rear re ectors or
re ector brackets from your bicycle. They are an integral part
of the bicycle’s safety system.
Removing the re ectors may reduce your visibility to others
using the roadway. Being struck by other vehicles may result
in serious injury or death.
The re ector brackets may protect you from the brake
straddle cable catching on the tire in the event of brake cable
failure. If a brake straddle cable catches on the tire, it can
cause the wheel to stop suddenly, causing you to loose control
If you must ride under conditions of poor visibility, check
and be sure you comply with all local laws about night riding,
and take the following strongly rec om mend ed additional
• Make sure that your bicycle is equipped with cor rect ly
po si tioned and securely mounted re ectors.
• Purchase and install battery or generator powered
head and tail lights which meet all regulatory re quire ments
and provide ad e quate visibility.
• Wear light colored, re ective clothing and ac ces so ries,
such as a reflective vest, reflective arm and leg bands,
re ective stripes on your helmet, ashing lights ... any re ective
device or light source that moves will help you get the attention
of approaching motorists, pe des tri ans and other traf c.
• Make sure your clothing or anything you may be carrying
on the bicycle does not obstruct a re ector or light.
While riding at dawn, at dusk or at night:
• Avoid dark areas and areas of heavy or fast-moving traf c.
• If possible, ride on familiar routes.
Ride so that drivers can see you and
Ride defensively and expect the unexpected.
• Read Appendix B and learn the rules for riding in traf c
which are illustrated there.
Downhill, Stunt or Competition Biking
WARNING: Although many catalogs, advertisements and
articles about bicycling depict riders jumping, racing or stunt
riding, this activity is extremely dangerous and increases your
risk of injury or death, and in crease the severity of any injury.
Remember that the action de pict ed is being performed by
professionals with many years of training and experience. Know
your limits and always wear a helmet and other appropriate
safety gear. Even with state-of-the-art protective safety gear,
you could be seriously injured or killed when jumping, stunt
riding, riding downhill at speed or in competition.
CAUTION: Bicycles and bicycle parts have limitations with
regard to strength and integrity, and this type of riding can
exceed those limitations.