
DSI SPCI Network Interface Boards Programmer's Manual Issue 5
Parameter Description:
Error Code
The Error Code is coded as shown in the following table:
Value Mnemonic ID Description
0x31 S7E_RESET_ERR MTP2 Failed to initialize.
0x33 S7E_POOL_EMPTY l2_llid No free buffers in MTP2 transmit pool.
0x34 S7E_TX_FAIL l2_llid Failed to send LSSU/FISU to driver.
0x35 S7E_HDR_ERR l2_llid No room to add level 2 header, SU not
0x36 S7E_LEN_ERR l2_llid Length Error, SU not transmitted.
0x37 S7E_MSU_SEND l2_llid Failed to send SU to lower layer, protocol
should handle retransmission.
0x39 S7E_BAD_PRIM l2_llid MTP2 unable to accept primitive.
0x3a S7E_BAD_LLID l2_llid Invalid l2_llid in HDR structure.
0x3b S7E_MEM_ERR l2_llid MTP2 memory allocation error.
0x3c S7E_RTVL_ERR l2_llid MTP2 failure to perform retrieval.
0x51 MTP_BAD_PRIM 0 MTP3 unable to accept primitive.
0x52 MTP_POOL_EMPTY 0 No free frames in MTP3 transmit pool.
0x53 MTP_TX_FAIL 0 MTP3 failed to send MSU to lower layer.
0x54 MTP_LEN_ERR 0 MSU too long for buffer.
0x55 MTP_SLT_FAIL link_id Signaling link test failure.
0x57 MTP_TALLOC_ERR 0 MTP3 Failed to allocate T_FRAME.
0x58 MTP_BAD_ID 0 Invalid ID in message HDR.
0x59 MTP_MALLOC_ERR 0 MTP3 unable to allocate MSG.
0x5a MTP_BSNT_FAIL link_id Failure to retrieve BSNT.
0x5b MTP_RTV_FAIL link_id Retrieval failure.
0x5c MTP_BAD_FSN link_id Erroneous FSN in COA.
0x5d MTP_BAD_COO link_id COO received after changeover complete.
0x5e MTP_SNMM_ERR 0 Internal software error.
0x5f MTP_SLTM_ERR 0 Internal software error.
0x60 MTP_NO_COA link_id Failed to receive COA.
0x61 MTP_NO_CBA link_id Failed to receive CBA.
0x66 MTP_TIM_ERR timer ref MTP3 attempt to re-use active timer resource.
0x67 MTP_RRT_OVRFLW Messages discarded due to overflow of Re-
Routing buffer.
0x68 MTP_FLUSH_FAIL link_id MTP3 failed to receive Flush Ack from level 2.
0x69 MTP_FLUSH_L2 link_id MTP2 transmission buffers flushed (due to