Multimedia Software for ATCA Release 1.0 Release Update, Rev 06 — January 23, 2008 15
Dialogic Corporation
IPY00033953 IPML Calling ipm_SetParm( ) without calling ipm_Open( )
causes the library to crash and the application to
Workaround: Do not call any IPML functions without
first opening the device.
IPY00033884 IPML Calling ipm_SetParm( ) asynchronously three times
per device sequentially for 360 devices hangs the
library. The parameters being used in ipm_SetParm( )
Workaround: The application should wait for
IPMEV_SETPARM before issuing the next
ipm_SetParm( ).
Resolved IPY00033685 -- CLI, SNMP Using SNMP or CLI to start the media results in the
media devices not being initialized. The command will
return and the download will take place, but no devices
are being initialized.
Resolved -- EVRC Use of EVRC has to be specifically enabled.
Resolved IPY00036983 77 hardware The SDR file for IP only RTM
(MMBRTMIP01AQ_100.SDR) cannot be downloaded
using the sbcupdate utility.
Resolved IPY00036386 77 IPML DTMF transfer mode should be set prior to calling
dev_ReserveResourceEx( ), otherwise it will not take
Resolved IPY00036314 70 IPML Setting the AMR-NB codec option to BWE (Bandwidth
Efficient Mode) results in a fatal error. Do not use the
BWE mode for the AMR-NB codec.
Resolved IPY00036311 70 IPML The EVRC codec does not support 3FPP. The
ipm_StartMedia( ) call fails.
Resolved IPY00034204 -- IPML AMR narrow band coder has some CMR options that
are not yet supported in the firmware and host libraries.
Restrictions are:
• The transmit bit rate will follow the remote CMR
• The CMR in the outgoing packet will be set to
default value of 15 (don't care - will accept any rate
from remote side).
Resolved IPY00034016 -- IPML The ipm_Listen( ) function fails when the CT Bus PCM
encoding type does not match the encoding type of the
first trunk (or framer) when PSTN is enabled.
Resolved IPY00033771 -- IPML QoS: The application failed to receive RTP and RTCP
time-out event. RTCP events are not working at this
Resolved IPY00033720 -- IPML Pulling an Ethernet LAN cable from the RTM does not
generate a change in line status event. RTCP events
are not working at this time.
Issues Sorted by Type, Dialogic
Multimedia Platform (Continued)
Issue Type Defect No.
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