cc_SndNonCallMsg( ) sends a non-call related ISDN message
LINEDEV devhdl = 0;
char *devname = "briS1"; /* device name for BRI board 1 station 1 */
NONCRN_BLK ie_blk; /* IE block to transmit custom data */
/* open the ISDN board device */
if ( cc_Open( &devhdl, devname,0)<0)
printf("Error opening device: errno = %d\n", errno);
/* Initialize the values to transmit. For this example, the ISDN INFORMATION message
will be transmitted with a Keypad IE.
ie_blk->sapi = 0; /* Call Control SAPI */
ie_blk->ces = 1; /* Always one for User side */
ie_blk->length = 3; /* 3 bytes of data */
ie_blk->data[0] = 0x2c; /* IE ID = Keypad */
ie_blk->data[1] = 0x01; /* Length=1*/
ie_blk->data[2] = 0x35; /* Keypad value = 0x35 (digit 5) */
/* send the specified NULL/Dummy CRN ISDN INFORMATION message */
if ( cc_SndNonCallMsg(devhdl, NULL_CRN, SndMsg_Information,(NONCRN_BLK *)&ie_blk) < 0
/* continue with call processing */
} /* end main */
int procdevfail(LINEDEV handle)
int reason;
char *msg;
reason = cc_CauseValue(handle);
printf("reason = %x - %s\n",reason,msg);
! !
If the function returns a value < 0 to indicate failure, use the cc_CauseValue( )
function to retrieve the reason code for the failure. The cc_ResultMsg( ) function
can be used to interpret the reason code. Error codes are defined in the files
ccerr.h, isdnerr.h, and isdncmd.h.
Possible error codes from the cc_SndNonCallMsg( ) function include the