Please contact one of our overseas service centers, listed below, for follow-up service consultation.
Adressez-vous à nos centres de service d’outre-mer indiqués ci-dessous, pour le service aprèsvente.
Para consultas de servicio porfavor dírigirse a cualquiera de nuestros centros de servicio en el extranjero, enlistados abajo.
Australia AWA Audio Products Pty Ltd. 67 O’Riordan Street, Alexandria NSW 2015, Australia
Tel: (02) 9669-3477 Fax: (02) 9578-0140
Austria Digital-Professional-Audio Vertriebsges.m.b.H., 1170 Wien, Rupertusplatz 3
Tel: 0222-4501006~9, Fax: 0222-457679
Belgium Transtel-Sabima P.V.B.A. Harmoniestraat 13, 2018 Antwerpen 1, België Tel: 03-237-3607
Canada Denon Canada Inc. 17 Denison Street, Markham Ontario, Canada L3R 1B5 Tel: 905-475-4085 Fax: 905-475-4159
China Shanghai Denon Products Service Co., Ltd. Room 1504, A Building 527 Huaihai Zhong Road,
Shanghai 200020, P.R.C. Tel: (021)53062078
Czecho EUROSTAR OSTORAVA s.r.o. Za Vokovikou vozovnou 369/5, 161 00 Praha 6
Tel: 2-316-3690 Fax: 2-316-6852
Denmark Hifi Klubben A/S Dali Alle 1, 9610 Noerager, Denmark Tel: 45-96 72 10 00 Fax: 45-96 72 10 14
Finland Suomen Hi-Fi Klubi OY Nylandsgatan 4-6, Helsingfors Tel: 0644401
France Denon France S.A. 3 Boulevard Ney, 75018 Paris Tel: 44-89-68-69
F.R. Germany Denon Electronic GmbH Halskestraße 32, 40880 Ratingen Tel: 02102-4985-0
Greece KINOTECHNIKI LTD. 47 Stournara Str., Athens Tel: 380-6998
Hong Kong Denon Hong Kong Ltd., 11/F North, Somerset House 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: 2516-6862, Fax: 2516-5940
Iceland Japis Ltd. Brautarholt 2, Box 396, 121 Reykjavik, Iceland Tel: 5625200
Indonesia PT Autoaccindo Jaya. Cideng Barat No. 7 Jakarta, Indonesia Tel: 633-2730
Italy Melchioni S.P.A. Via P. Colletta 37-20135 Milano Tel: (02) 57941
Korea DAIYOUNG Industrial Co.,Ltd. 1027-5, Bangbae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-060 Korea
Tel: 02-588-3960 Fax: 02-586-3721
Malaysia Pertama Audio (PJ) Sdn. Bhd. 38, 40 & 42 Jalan PJS 11/28A Sunway Metro Bandar Sunway 46510
Selangor, Malaysia Tel: 03-7378888 Fax: 03-7378188
Mexico Labrador, S.A. de C.V. Zamora No. 154 Col. Condesa 06140 Mexico, D.F. Tel: 286 55 09 Fax: 286 34 62
Netherlands Penhold B.V. Poppenbouwing 58, NL-4191 NZ Geldermalsen, Netherland Tel: 31-345-588 080 Fax: 31-345-588 085
New Zealand Avalon Audio Corpn. Limited 119 Wellesley Street, Auckland 1, New Zealand Tel: 09-779-351, 09-775-370
Norway Hi-Fi Klubben Box 70 Ankertorget, 0133 Oslo 1 Tel: 02-112218
Poland HORN DISTRIBUTION ul. Nowoursynowska 131R (wjazd od ul. Rosota) 02-975 Warszawa
Tel: 22-649-3071 Fax: 22-649-3199
Portugal Videoacustica Qta. Do Paizinho-Armazém 5-Estrada De Circunvalação-Apart. 3127 1303 Lisboa Codex
Tel: 2187004/2187096
Singapore Denon Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd. 257 Selegie Road #03-257 Selegie Complex
Singapore 188350 Tel: 65-339-1181 Fax: 65-339-8366
Spain Gaplasa S.A. Conde de Torroja, 25, 28022 Madrid Tel: 91-329-42-63
Sweden Sveriges Hi-Fi Klubb Box 5116, S-402 23 Göteborg Tel: 031-200040
Switzerland Diethelm & Co., AG. Grindelstrasse 5, 8303 Bassersdorf Tel: 01-838-1611
Taiwan R.O.C. Taiwan Kolin Co., Ltd. 10th Fl., 86, Sec. 1, Chung-king S. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel: (02) 314-3151 (20 Lines) Fax: (886) 02-3614037 Telex: 11102 TKOLIN
Thailand Mahajak Development Co., Ltd. 6th Fl., Mahajak Building, 46 Sukhumvit 3 (Nananua), Klongteoy,
Prakranong, Bangkok 10110 Tel: 256-0020
United Hayden Laboratories Ltd. Hayden House, Chiltern Hill, Chalfont St.
Kingdom & Eire Peter Gerrards Cross, Bucks, SL9 9UG Tel: 01753-888447
U.S.A. DENON ELECTRONICS, a Division of Deonon Corporation (U.S.A.) 222 New Road Parsippany,
NJ07054, U.S.A., Tel: 973-575-7810, Fax: 973-575-1213
If there is no service center in your local area, consult the outlet where the equipment was purchased.
S’il n’y a aucun centre de service dans votre région, consultez votre revendeur.
Si no hay centros de servicio en su área local, consulte en donde haya comprado su equipo.