
Use the Find Page to search for addresses, roads,
cities, points of interest (POIs), waypoints, geocaches,
coordinates, and more.
To view the Find Page, press the Find button
Search Methods
There are two ways to search—near map center or
by name; the most recent method you use is saved
between searches.
Find Near Map Center–The device searches from
the current GPS location. If GPS is turned off or if you
are panning the map or viewing another location, the
search is from the current map center. The search
continues until the maximum number of search
results (100) is found.
Find by Name–Use this option to search for a
speci c location by its name. Results are listed
Narrow a Name search with the Name Contains or
Name Begins with options—press MENU to access
them. Then, in the Name eld, type one or more
characters that the name begins with or contains; the
more letters you enter, the more relevant your search
results are.
» For some search types, you can also narrow
your search with additional parameters, such as
categories or symbols.
» When the City, State, or Country  elds are
available, the more information you enter, the
more re ned your search results are. If you do
not enter anything or if those  elds are unavailable,
the search starts from the map center.
» To clear all  elds into which you have entered
information, go to MENU > Clear All Fields.
The Find Page
The Find Page