
4. Press the Security Button (<Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Del>) to click OK once the tests are completed.
5. The volume up and down buttons can also be used as the <Tab> key when switching between options.
Beep Codes
The computer may emit a series of beeps during start-up if the display cannot show errors or problems. These series of
beeps, called beep codes, identify various problems. The delay between each beep is 300 ms, the delay between each
set of beeps is 3 seconds, and the beep sound lasts 300 ms. After each beep and each set of beeps, the BIOS should
detect if the user presses the power button. If so, BIOS will jump out from looping and execute the normal shutdown
process and power system.
Cause and Troubleshooting Steps
1 BIOS ROM checksum in progress or failure