
Connecting the Monitor
To connect your monitor to the computer perform the following steps/instructions:
1. Turnoffyourcomputeranddisconnectthepowercable.
2. Connect the HDMI cable, white (digital DVI-D), or blue (analog VGA) display connector cable to the corresponding video port on the back of your
computer.Donotuseallthecablesonthesamecomputer. Use all of the cables only when they are connected to different computers with appropriate
video systems.
Connecting the blue VGA cable
Connecting the White DVI Cable*
Connecting the HDMI Cable* (for selective models)
After you have completed connecting the VGA/DVI/HDMI cable, follow the procedure below to complete your monitor setup:
1. Plugthepowercablesforyourcomputerandmonitorintoanearbyoutlet.
2. Turn on the monitor and the computer.
WARNING: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions.
NOTE: *Optional purchase item. To purchase DVI or HDMI cable, please visit Dell.com
NOTE: The Graphics are used for the purpose of illustration only. Appearance of the the computer may vary.