Serial port: Base
I/O Address
Appears only if Serial port A is set to Enabled. Allows you to configure
the base address and interrupt request (IRQ). Options are:
3F8h IRQ4
2F8h IRQ3●
3E8h IRQ4●
2E8h IRQ3●
Parallel port Controls whether the computer's parallel port acts as an advanced
technology (AT)-compatible unidirectional, a PS/2-compatible
bidirectional, an Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP)-compatible, or an
Extended Capabilities Port (ECP)-compatible port. Dell recommends that
you retain Auto (the default) to allow the operating system or the BIOS
to configure the port automatically. Other options are Disabled, which
disables the parallel port, and Enabled.
To enter a custom configuration, set Parallel Port to Enabled and then
configure Mode, Base I/O Address, and DMA channel.
Parallel port:
Appears only if Parallel port is set to Enabled or Auto. Lets you specify
the operating mode of the parallel port. Options are:
Output Only (compatible mode)
Bi-directional (extended mode)●
If you select ECP mode, you can also select the DMA Channel.
Parallel port:
Base I/O Address
Appears only if Parallel port is set to Enabled. Lets you configure the
base address and IRQ. Options are:
378h IRQ7
3BCh IRQ7●
378h IRQ5●
278h IRQ5●
file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/De... Web/Documentation/LS/LS User's Guide/setupopt.htm (5 of 13) [5/31/2000 9:48:26 AM]