770 Configuring IP Multicast
Admin Mode
— Displays the administrative status of the selected PIM protocol on the system.
Data Threshold Rate
— If PIM-SM is selected as the protocol, shows the minimum source data rate in
Kbps above which the last-hop router switches to a source-specific shortest path tree.
Register Threshold Rate
— If PIM-SM is selected as the protocol, shows the minimum source data
rate in Kbps above which the Rendezvous Point router switches to a source-specific shortest path tree.
Viewing Global PIM Settings Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI command that performs this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide:
• PIM-DM or PIM-SM Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
PIM Interface Configuration
Use the PIM Interface Configuration
page to configure specific interfaces with PIM.
To display the page, click IPv4 Multicast
Interface Configuration or IPv6 Multicast
Interface Configuration in the tree view.
Figure 12-35. PIM Interface Configuration
The PIM Interface Configuration page contains the following fields:
Table 12-33. PIM Global Settings Summary Commands
CLI Command Description
show ip pimdm Displays system-wide information for PIM-DM.
show ip pimsm Displays the system-wide information for PIM-SM.