Deploying FCoE (FIP Snooping) on Dell PowerConnect 10G Switches: M8024-k, 8024, and 8024F
Perform another show version command to confirm that the new firmware has been downloaded to
the switch. Notice that the firmware was copied into the inactive image for each member.
The current-active column now shows the same values as the next-active column. The next step is to
activate the image that contains the new firmware. In this example, the switch will need image2
activated. Perform the following commands.
Notice that the next-active column now shows different values than the current-active column.
Before performing the following update bootcode command, read the Release Notes and any special
instructions for updating the firmware release. It is generally required that you update bootcode only
on major releases of the firmware, whereas minor releases will not require the update to bootcode. It
is recommended to only run this command if required. Press Y when prompted.
Updating and rebooting the switch will take a few minutes. If the bootcode is not required, then a
simple reload command will need to be performed. After reload, the firmware upgrade is complete.
Activating image image2 ..
Images currently available on Flash
unit image1 image2 current-active next-active
----- ------------ ------------ ----------------- -----------------
1 image1 image2
Images currently available on Flash
unit image1 image2 current-active next-active
----- ------------ ------------ ----------------- -----------------
1 image1 image1
Update bootcode and reset (Y/N)?Y
Issuing boot code update command... Validating boot code from image...CRC