46 | Dell SonicWALL WXA 1.3 User’s Guide
Column/Field Headings
Name Description
Start Time Indicates the starting time of a connection.
End Time Indicates the ending time of a connection.
Initiator Displays which end of the network initiated the connection. LAN for connections
started locally, and WAN for connections started from a remote site.
Remote Node Displays the WXA series appliance at the far end of the connection.
Src IP Displays the IP address where the connection started.
Src Port Displays the port number that the connection request was sent from.
Dest IP Displays the destination IP address.
Dest Port Displays the destination port number.
Egress Displays a bar graph that represents outgoing traffic on the network. The blue
colored bar is sent traffic and the grey bar is conveyed traffic.
Ingress Displays a bar graph that represents incoming traffic on the network. The blue
colored bar is sent traffic and the grey bar is conveyed traffic
Filter by Filter the results by entering text into the appropriate input box. A combination of
fields can be filtered.