The RTS232 and CTS232 signals control data transmission and synchronize the
connected devices.
Figure 9 - RS232 Control Signals
If the RTS/CTS handshaking protocol is enabled, the DS4600A activates the RTS232
output to indicate a message is to be transmitted. The receiving unit activates the
CTS232 input to enable the transmission.
RS485 Full-Duplex Interface
The RS485 full-duplex (5 wires + shield) interface is used for non-polled
communication protocols in point-to-point connections over longer distances (max
1200 m / 3940 ft) than those acceptable for RS232 communications or in electrically
noisy environments.
The following pins of the 25-pin connector are used for RS485 full-duplex
Pin Name Function
2 TX485+ RS485 transmitted data +
4 TX485- RS485 transmitted data -
3 RX485+ RS485 received data +
5 RX485- RS485 received data -
7 SGND Main signal ground main interface