Base Speed Uphill Elevation Increased Speed
Level mph % Grade mph
1 3.4 WALK 2% 3.5 WALK
2 3.4 3% 3.5
3 3.7 4% 3.8
4 3.7 6% 3.8
5 3.8 4% 4.0
6 3.8 6% 4.0
7 4.0 6% 4.5 WALK-JOG
8 4.0 8% 5.0
9 4.2 8% 5.5
10 4.2 10% 6.0
Cybex 445T Treadmill Owner’s Manual
Page 3-22
Weight Loss (P-7)
Program Overview
This program was designed to help individuals of all fitness levels achieve their weight loss
goals through a protocol that incorporates both low and moderate intensity activity. Because
walking has become a popular mode of exercise for those looking to lose weight, all levels of
this program are performed at walking speeds.
The core of the program is made up of five one-minute segments. The first segment
represents the baseline of the program and may also be considered to be a “rest” segment
later. In minutes two and three, elevation will be increased. In minute four, the program returns
to the first segment baseline or rest level. In the fifth minute, the speed will increase. The total
number of segments used is dictated by the time selected by the user.
Higher levels of the Weight Loss program incorporate jogging speeds in short segments. This
allows the advanced walker to alternate walking and jogging.
• At levels 1-6 walkers maintain walking speeds only.
• At levels 7-10, experienced walkers can jog intermittently.
By mixing the use of speed and elevation separately, the user receives the benefits of added
intensity intervals but the variety does not allow for either speed or elevation to dominate and
therefore overtax the user. See table below and Figure 11.