If any problems are experienced with the VOPEX switch, follow the steps below to see if the problem(s) can be easily
1. Verify that all cables are securely connected.
2. Verify that a monitor is connected to Port 1.
3. If a user has both a keyboard and mouse, verify that they are connected to a Keyboard port and Mouse port with the same
port number.
4. If a cable is disconnected:
a) Turn OFF power to the CPU.
b) Turn OFF power to the VOPEX.
c) Connect the cable.
d) Go through the power-up sequence described on page 3.
If trouble is still being experienced, a solution may be found in the Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ’s) section of our website at
http://www.nti1.com or please call us directly at (800) 742-8324 (800-RGB-TECH) or (330) 562-7070 and we will be happy to
assist in any way we can.
VOPEX-2KV-A PS/2 keyboard + VGA 2 port
VOPEX-2KIM-A PS/2 keyboard + PS/2 mouse 2 port
VOPEX-2KMM-A PS/2 keyboard + serial mouse 2 port
VOPEX-2KVIM-A PS/2 keyboard + PS/2 mouse + VGA 2 port
VOPEX-2KVMM-A PS/2 keyboard + serial mouse + VGA 2 port
VOPEX-4KV-A PS/2 keyboard + VGA 4 port
VOPEX-4KIM-A PS/2 keyboard + PS/2 mouse 4 port
VOPEX-4KMM-A PS/2 keyboard + serial mouse 4 port
VOPEX-4KVIM-A PS/2 keyboard + PS/2 mouse + VGA 4 port
VOPEX-4KVMM-A PS/2 keyboard + serial mouse + VGA 4 port