Accessory Order Form
(Tax if applicable)
Tax Table
Illinois residents add 7%
Cook Co.residents add .75% (7.75% total)
Chicago residents add 1% (8.75% total)
Indiana residents add 5%
Michigan residents add 4 %
Ohio residents add 6%
Wisconsin residents add 5%
Prices subject to change without notice.
B a t t e r i e s $3.95 each
C A - 4 5 C Charger Adapter $ 1 0 . 0 0
4 2 0 - 0 3 0 - N - 0 0 2
Cigarette Lighter $ 1 0 . 0 0
M A - E B M Ear Bud Microphone $ 2 9 . 9 5
MA-SM Lapel Speaker/Microphone $24.95
M A - V O X Vox Headset/Mic $ 4 9 . 9 5
Item # Description Cost Ea. Qty. Amount
Please print clearly
Address (No P.O. Box)
City State
Telephone ( )
Credit Card No. Exp. Date
Customer Signature
Circle One: Visa MasterCard Discover
Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.Offer valid in Continental U.S.only.
For credit card orders fill out order
form and fax to: 1.773.622.2269
or call 1.773.889.3087
(Press 1 from the main menu)
8:00 am - 6:00 pm, M-F, CST.
Make check or money order (no stamps)
payable to:
Cobra Electronics
Accessories Dept.
6500 West Cortland St. Chicago, IL 60707
Shipping & Handling
Amount of Shipping/
Order Handling
$25.00 and under $4.75
$25.01–$40.00 $6.95
$40.01–$80.00 $9.25
$80.01–$120.00 $10.25
$120.01–$160.00 $11.75
$160.01 and up $14.50
For AK,HI and PR please add
an additional $15.00 for UPS
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