Advanced Features
Memory Scan Function
Me m o ry Scan co n ve n i e ntly allows you to access fre-
q u e n tly used channel and sub-channel co m b i n at i o n s .
Turn on your microTalk Professional 2- way
radio.An audible “tone”will indicate the unit is
on.The LCD will go through a 3 second self
test and then go to operational mode.
Memory Scan
Press and release Function Button until
MEM and SCAN icons flash.
Advanced Features
Press and release Function Button and
subchannel and scan icon will flash.
To scan subchannels:
Press and release Channel button and
subchannel scanning begins and stops when
an incoming transmission is detected.
Your microTalk Professional will pick it up for 10
seconds.Within 10 seconds you can:
Press and hold Talk Bu t ton and talk.Your ra d i o
will re t u rn to ope rational mode on that channel.
o r, To exit the Scan Mode and re t u r n to
O pe rational Mod e, p r ess and re l e a s e Enter
Bu t to n .
If you wish to proceed to the
n e xt function mod e ,p u s h
and release Fu n ction Bu t to n .
( M e m o ry Sca n ) .
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