Fog Lamps (If Equipped)
To turn the fog lamps on,
press the fog lamps button
located next to the exterior
lamp control on the left side
of the steering column. Your
ignition must be in ON for
the fog lamps to illuminate.
A light will glow in the button to let you know that the
fog lamps are on. (Your parking lamps must be on or
your fog lamps won’t come on.) Press the button again
to turn the fog lamps off. The fog lamps will go off
whenever you change to high
-beam headlamps.
When you return to low beams, the fog lamps will come
on again.
Interior Lamps
Instrument Panel Brightness Control
You can brighten or dim the instrument panel lights and
cluster by turning the exterior lamp knob. Turn the knob
clockwise to increase the brightness of the instrument
panel and cluster, and counterclockwise to decrease the
brightness. Your parking lamps must be on for this
feature to work.
Courtesy Lamps
When a door is opened, several lamps will come on.
These lamps are courtesy lamps. They make it easy for
you to enter and leave your vehicle. You can also turn
these lamps on by turning the exterior lamps knob
clockwise all the way.
Some of the lamps have switches so you can turn them
on, even when the doors are closed. These lamps are
reading lamps, located on the rearview mirror.