Attach the wire to the right side of the screw, under the clip, or wrap the wire around the screw before
Attach the wire for zone #1 to the zone marked “V1. Attach the remaining zone wires in the same manner.
Note: the zone wires come in from the top of the terminal modules.
Caution: wire only one valve to each terminal to avoid damage.
Water Champ controllers include universal multiple common terminals. If you are connected to one common,
you are connected to all commons. Your white (common) wire only need to connect to one common terminal
“C”. In any one of the terminal blocks. The additional “C” terminals are for your convenience, should you
have common wires coming from multiple locations (such as front and back yard).
Attach the wire from the pump start relay or master valve to the “MV” terminal, the other wire to the common
“C” terminal. To prevent damaging your pump in the event that the default factory preset program turns on,
attach a jumper wire from any unused zone terminal to any operating zone terminal. This way, the pump will
not operate against a closed system.
The looped wire must remain connected between the rain and OV terminal when a rain sensor is not in use.
To install a rain sensor, remove the looped wire and connect on rain sensor wire to the rain terminal and the
other wire to the OV terminal.
There are three components of an automatic sprinkler system. The controller (brain), automatic valves
(zones), and sprinklers. The controller tells the valves when, and how long to supply water to the sprinklers.
Each valve controls a group of sprinklers known as a zone. Each valve is connected to a numbered terminal in
the controller marked 1, 23, etc. for the zone number. The valves operate in numerical order within each
program, which is called a cycle.
Each program requires three basic instructions as follows:
• What days to water – called Water Days
• What time of day to water – called Start Times
• How long to water – called Zone Run Time
Programs A, B, & C
Your controller allows you to set three independent programs: A, B, and C. Each program can have its own
set of start times, run times and watering days. Use these programs to satisfy the different watering needs of
your landscape. For example, you may use program A to water the lawn in the morning every other day for
ten minutes only in each lawn zone. Use program B for example, to water shrubs on Tuesdays and Saturdays
for thirty minutes only in each shrub zone.
Use program C for drip system watering for example, once a week for four hours and thirty minutes only in
each drip zone. (When setting different programs, be careful to avoid setting a start time for one program that
will begin while another program is still watering unless using SW2 (see page 9). Erratic operation of the
controller may result from overlapping programs.)