52 Calculator M600i
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you can back up task entries on the Memory
Stick. Select
Tasks manager > Backup.
With Calculator you can add, subtract,
multiply, divide and calculate square roots and
percentages. It also has a memory function.
Tools > Calculator. All calculations,
except percentage calculations, are performed
in the order they are entered, for example:
5+5x5=50, not 30.
Percentage calculations are performed
backwards. To calculate, for example, 10% of
50, enter 50x10%. The result is displayed
when you tap the %-key.
With Converter you can convert different
values of the following categories; Distances,
Volumes, Weights, Temperatures, Speeds,
Areas and Currencies.
You can add further currencies to the list of
currencies to convert and you can enter the
exchange rate of different currencies.
Converting units of
If you, for example, want to convert distances
from kilometers to nautical miles, you select
Tools > Converter > Distances, and then the
Metric tab where you enter the value. Select
Key Functionality
MR Tap once to retrieve a value from the
memory and enter it into the screen.
Tap twice to clear the memory.
M+ Tap once to store an entered value in
the memory.
If you have already entered a value
in the memory, tap once to add the
value on the screen to the value in
the memory.
M- Tap once to subtract the entered
value from the value in the memory.
The memory is adjusted but not
Tap once to delete the last digit you
C Tap once to reset the screen to 0.
Key Functionality