140 TalkSwitch User Manual
A dedicated voice service within a
specified user environment. TalkSwitch
offers intercom capabilities between its
Local Extensions.
Something that connects two separate
entities. A user interface is the part of a
program that connects the computer with
a human operator (user).
A global network connecting millions
of computers. Unlike online service
networks (.com, .ca, .net, etc.) which are
centrally controlled, the Internet is
decentralized by design. Each Internet
computer, called a host, is independent.
Integrated Services Digital Network. The
same lines are used for many different
types of services, such as telephone, data,
electronic mail and facsimile. ISDN
specifications let large quantities of data
(wide-bandwidth) flow from one location
to another using the public telephone
network. Under ISDN, a phone call can
transfer 64 kilobits of digital data per
Keypad Commands
Combinations of digits that are used to
configure TalkSwitch from a touchtone
Keypad (Telephone)
The push buttons on a telephone.
Key Telephone System
With Key Telephone Systems, access to
telephone lines and calling features is
controlled internally within each tele-
phone unit. Users can gain direct access
to telephone lines, etc. by pressing a key
(or button) on their telephone.
Light Emitting Diode. An electronic
device that lights up when electricity is
passed through it. LEDs are used in dis-
plays on electronic devices such as com-
puters. TalkSwitch has five LEDs on its
front panel. They show which telephone
is in use, whether data is being trans-
ferred to or received from an attached PC,
and which Mode setting is in use.
Link button
On most telephones, pressing the Link
button has the same effect as pressing the
Flash button or depressing and releasing
the ‘hang up’ (switch) hook. However, on
some telephones, the function of the Link
button is internal to the telephone and
pressing it will have no effect on
Acronym for MODulator-DEModulator. A
modem is a device or program that
converts digital information stored on a
Computer into analog signals for
transmission over telephone lines and, in
reverse, converts analog signals into
A TalkSwitch feature which allows you to
store two distinct incoming call handling
configurations (Mode 1 and Mode 2).
Monitor (TalkSwitch Monitor)
A feature included with the Software
Configuration package. The Monitor
provides a graphical representation of
telephone traffic as it flows through the
TalkSwitch system.
Msec - Millisecond
One thousandth of a second or one
thousand microseconds.