Getting Started
Changing the Premier Server’s IP
The FaxPress Premier’s IP address can be set or changed five ways:
• from the front panel’s LCD window. See the next section,
Changing the IP Address Using the LCD Window
for details.
• by attaching a monitor, mouse, and keyboard directly to the
Premier, logging in as
administrator with password castelle all
lower case, and then setting the IP address the same way you’d
change a Windows 2000 workstation’s IP address:
Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Network
and Dialup Connections
>Local Area Connection
Properties>Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties
• through the Premier Web Interface. See
Using the Premier Web
in the Administrator’s Guide for more information.
• from another network workstation, using Remote Desktop. See
Using Remote Desktop on page 24 of this guide and Changing
the Premier’s IP Address Using Remote Desktop on page 24 of
this guide
• through Faxmain, the Premier client’s Windows-based
administration fax transaction and administration utility. The
FaxPress client software must be installed. See
System &
in the Administrator’s Guide for details.
Changing the IP Address Using the LCD
To enter a new IP address using the Premier’s front panel LCD window,
follow these steps:
1. Confirm the LCD window currently displays the Premier
name and IP address.
2. Press the
Escape button to move from the FaxPress name and
IP address display to a window displaying the Premier’s IP
address only.