
Preparing Your Workspace
The modem’s model number (located on a sticker on
the bottom of the modem).
MAC address: EA = __________________
Model number: 3CR292B-TR56
You should now contact your BSP and verify the following:
You have cable service to your home that supports
cable modem access. If your BSP does not provide
cable modem access, the 3Com U.S. Robotics Cable
Modem TMX will not be able to communicate with your
BSP’s Internet access service. Visit the following URL for
additional information:
Your BSP has set up your cable Internet access
account. Your BSP will establish an Internet access
account that will allow you to send and receive e-mail,
access the World Wide Web, and receive other Internet
services. This account must be established before you
can use your cable modem.
You have a cable line near your PC and it has been
prepared for cable modem service. If you do not
have a cable line in your home that supports cable
modem access or if your current cable connection is not
conveniently located near your computer, your cable
company can install one. If you use your cable line for
cable television access, your cable company can also
install an additional line for use with your cable modem.
Preparing Your Workspace
Position your computer so that it is located near your
cable outlet.
The cable modem should be located near your
computer and the cable outlet. There should be plenty
of room to guide the cables away from the modem
without crimping the cables.
The modem should be located where it has ample space
to allow constant airflow around the unit.