Error Message Resolution Guide
Message Reason Solution Reference Tech Note
Font Loading Error; Could not load the font.
Ensure that the font is available to load. ---
Printer Not Ready\nPress R to
Retry\nC to Cancel Print;
Can not print. Check cable, battery, communication
settings and paper in the printer.
Mobile Unit in\nDemonstration
Mode\nfor TwinClient;
Running in demo mode. Purchase a license from Connect. ---
Connected to Host; Successful connection to the target
Advisory message. ---
Telnet Mode not\nsupported on\nthis
Mobile Unit;
This Mobile Unit must be used with
a Connect Server.
Order a Connect Server. ---
Telnet Setup files\nnot found.
Reload\nfiles then switch;
Customer specific configuration
files are missing.
Load the configuration files into the Mobile
Unit from Twin Client Manager.
Switched Client to\nTelnet Direct Mode; Mobile Unit running in Telnet mode
direct to the target Host.
Advisory message. ---
Switched Client to\nServer Based
Mobile Unit running through a
Connect server in server mode
usually at port 1800.
Advisory message. ---
Port 23 is only\nallowed in Telnet
Can not set the port to 23 in server
mode. Port 23 is the standard
Telnet port.
Advisory message. ---
Not Enough Memory\nTo Run; Mobile Unit does not have the
capacity to run the program do to
memory restrictions.
Expand the Mobile Unit memory. ---
Press any key; Press a key to continue. Advisory message. ---
Supported Equipment Manual
March, 2006