Send documentation comments to mdsfeedback-doc@cisco.com
Step 3 Use the switch setup utility that appears on the console connection.
Step 4 Use the switch setup utility to do the following:
a. Set the admin password for the switch.
Caution Make sure that you configure a strong password. Short, easy-to-decipher passwords are not allowed by Cisco
NX-OS software. Strong passwords are at least eight characters long and contain numbers, uppercase letters,
and lowercase letters.
b. Assign an IP address and a netmask to the switch, as shown in Example 1.
Example 1 IP Address Step in the Setup Utility
Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? {yes/no]: yes
Mgmt0 IPV4 address:
Mgmt0 IPV4 netmask:
c. Set up the default gateway.
Note The switch is now ready to be managed via the Mgmt port using Telnet or Device Manager or Fabric Manager.
7 Connecting Devices
To connect devices, follow these steps:
Step 1 Connect a server to the switch (see Figure 8).
Step 2 Connect a storage device to the switch (see Figure 8).
Figure 8 Server and Storage Connection
MDS 9148
Note For more information about switch installation and configuration, see the Cisco MDS 9100 Series Hardware
Installation Guide and the appropriate CISCO MDS 9000 Family NX-OS feature configuration guides.