
Tuning Parameters
You can use these parameters to tune each of the parts indi-
Coarse Tune (Range: –24 to 00 to +24)
This parameter controls the coarse tuning of the selected chan-
nels pitch in semitone units.
Fine Tune (Range: –99 to 00 to +99)
This parameter controls the fine tuning of the selected chan-
nels pitch in cent units.
Effect Parameters
The Mixer lets you control the effects applied to each indi-
vidual part, making it different from the Effect Mode, whose
settings are applied to all parts in general.
Reverb Send (Range: 000 to 127)
This parameter controls how much reverb is applied to a part.
A setting of 000 turns reverb off, while a setting of 127 ap-
plies maximum reverb.
Chorus Send (Range: 000 to 127)
This parameter controls how much chorus send is applied to
a part. A setting 000 turns chorus send off, while a setting
of 127 applies maximum chorus send.
•“Chorus Send does not work with drum sounds.
DSP Line (Settings: on, oFF)
You can use this parameter to turn DSP line off for a particu-
lar channel, or to turn it on.
Changing the tone, volume, pan pot, coarse tune, fine tune,
reverb send, or chorus send setting causes the corresponding
MIDI message to be output from the MIDI terminal.
Changing the tone settings changes the tone, reverb send, cho-
rus send, and DSP line* parameter settings.
* When DSP is off (See the note on page E-26.)
V o l um e
O c t S h i f t
F i n e T u n e
C . T u n e
How Parameters Work
The following are the parameters whose settings can be
changed in the Parameter Edit Mode.
Tone Parameters
Tone (Range: 000 to 247)
This parameter controls the tones assigned to each part.
The displayed tone number has only two digits when an Ad-
vanced tone is selected.
Part On/Off (Settings: on, oFF)
This parameter can be used to turn each part on (sounds)
and off (does not sound). The current on/off status of each
part is indicated on the display as described below.
Volume (Range: 000 to 127)
This is the parameter that controls the volume of the selected
Pan Pot (Range: –64 to 00 to +63)
This parameter controls the pan pot, which is the center point
of the left and right stereo channels. Setting 00 specifies
center, a value less than 00 moves the point left, and a val-
ue greater than 00 moves it right.
Octave Shift (Range: –2 to 0 to +2)
You can use octave shift to shift the range of the tone up or
down. When using the piccolo tone, there may be cases when
very high notes you want to play are not included within the
range of the keyboard. When this happens, you can use oc-
tave shift to shift the keyboard range one octave up.
2 : Range shifted two octaves down.
1 : Range shifted one octave down.
0 : No shift
+1 : Range shifted one octave up.
+2 : Range shifted two octaves up.
R v b S e n d
C h o S e n d
D S P L i n e
T o n e N o .
P a n