From idle mode with the flip open, you can also make a phone
call by pressing and holding the Speed Dial digit.
1: Speed Dial entry 1 (Voicemail), is already assigned.
Double-Digit Speed Dialing
1. With the flip closed, to unlock the handset, press the Center Select
Key, and then press at the prompt.
2. Press the first Speed Dial digit, then press and hold the key of the
last Speed Dial digit.
3. Your handset recalls the phone number from your Contacts,
displays it briefly, and then dials it.
From idle mode with the flip open, you can also make a phone
call by pressing the first Speed Dial digit, then pressing and
holding the last digit.
95, 96, 97, 98 and 99: Speed Dial entries 95(#Warranty Center),
96(#DATA), 97(#BAL), 98(#MIN) and 99(#PMT) are already
assigned to Verizon Wireless Account Information.
Triple-Digit Speed Dialing
1. With the flip closed, to unlock the handset, press the Center Select
Key, and then press at the prompt.
2. Press the first and second Speed Dial digits, then press and hold
the key of the last Speed Dial digit.
3. Your handset recalls the phone number from your Contacts,
displays it briefly, and then dials it.