Why are values produced by readings I take at home
different from values produced when my doctor takes
Slight tension caused by a visit to the doctor or a hospital can cause
blood pressure readings taken there to be a bit higher. This, of course,
assumes that you are following the correct procedures when taking your
readings at home.
It could be due to a condition called “white-coat hypertension.”
“White-coat hypertension” is a condition caused by the atmosphere that
is present in a hospital. It is an emotional condition, and does not
indicate a physical problem. It is important to be relaxed while taking a
blood pressure reading.
Controlling Blood Pressure
Daily Life
How you live your daily life is an important factor in achieving good blood
pressure. Improved living habits and patterns can actually decrease the
chance of high blood pressure. The first step on the road to proper living
is eliminating overexertion and stress.
The following are some proven tips for developing good living habits and
enjoying the benefits of good blood pressure.
• Reduce salt intake.
• Go to bed early and get up early.
• Eat regular meals every morning, noon, and night.
• Get enough sleep.
• Set aside enough time for yourself in order to get some stress relief.
• Try to achieve a balance between your mental and physical well
Proper exercise plays an important role in controlling blood pressure.
The accent here is on the word “proper,” because the wrong type of
exercise can actually do more harm than good. Aerobic exercise, such
as walking at a comfortable pace, is the best for controlling blood
Healthy Walking Tips
Other things to remember when exercising!
• Keep it brisk, but don’t overdo it!
• Don’t forget to warm up and cool down.
• Be sure to drink water to replenish lost fluids.
• Try to stick to indoor exercises on very hot or very cold days.
• Always consult with your physician before undertaking any physical
exercise program.
Keep your chest out
and your back straight.
Keep your head upright and
pointed straight ahead.
Keep your gaze on the ground
relatively far in front of you.
Keep your chin in.
Walk briskly in
a straight line.
Lower your foot to
the ground heel first.
Take long strides.
Let your arms swing
forward and back.
1Infrared Port
This port is used when transferring data from the Base Unit to the
• See the User’s Guide that comes with the Watch for information about
setting basic data.
Use this switch to set the maximum estimated systolic pressure value.
Press this button to toggle power on and off.
Press this button to start measurement.
Pressing this button while measurement is in progress stops the
The display shows blood pressure and pulse rate values.
1 Infrared Port
5 Display
Display Contents
1Pulse indicator
Flashes when a pulse is detected.
Stops flashing and remains on the display as long as the pulse rate is
displayed after measurement is complete.
2Data communication indicator
Indicates that data is being sent to the Watch.
3Inflation indicator
Flashes when the cuff is being inflated.
4Deflation indicator
Flashes when the cuff is being deflated.
5Low battery indicator
Indicates that batteries are low.
Replace batteries as soon as possible after this indicator appears.
• This indicator also appears if batteries are loaded with the (+) and (–)
ends facing in the wrong directions.
6Measured value
Shows systolic and diastolic blood pressure values, and pulse rate (BPM).
7Blood pressure unit
The Base Unit can display blood pressure in units of kPa or mmHg. See
“BLOOD PRESSURE UNITS” for more information.
4 Deflation indicator
5 Low battery
6 Measured value
1 Pulse indicator
2 Data communication indicator
3 Inflation indicator
Blood pressure