Radio-controlled Atomic Timekeeping
This watch receives a time calibration signal and updates its time setting accordingly.
• This watch is designed to pick up the time calibration signals transmitted in Germany
(Mainflingen), England (Anthorn), the United States (Fort Collins), China
(Shangqiu), and Japan (Fukushima, Fukuoka/Saga).
• See the information under “Signal Reception Troubleshooting” (page E-27) if you
experience problems with time calibration signal reception.
Current Time Setting
This watch adjusts its time setting automatically in accordance with a time calibration
signal. You also can perform a manual procedure to set the time and date, when
• The first thing you should do after purchasing this watch is to specify your
Home City (the city where you normally will use the watch). For more
information, see “To specify your Home City” on page E-12.