The ELR is powered by a lithium-ion high voltage battery pack,
it doesn’t have to be run down completely before recharging). Keep
the vehicle plugged in, even when fully charged, to keep the bat
tery temperature ready for the next drive.
Charging Time
The ELR can be programmed for three charging modes:
Delayed (Electric Rate and Departure Time).
hours to charge the ELR at the 12 amp setting, or approximately
station will take approximately 5 hours. Charge times will vary with
outside temperature.
Touch the
Energy icon on the touch screen and then touch
the Charging icon to view the current Charge Level and Charge
Mode status.
Touch the green Charge Level text to select a different
charge level.
Touch the green Charge Mode text to select a different
charge mode.
Charging Status
Charging Status Indicators
are located on the instru
ment panel near the
windshield and in the side
mirrors (if activated).
Charging Status Indicator
(Instrument Panel)
• Solid green with single
horn chirp–Vehicleispluggedin;batteryischarging
• Slow (long pulse) ashing green with double horn chirp –
• Fast (short pulse) ashing green–Vehicleispluggedin;
battery is fully charged
• Solid yellow–Vehicleispluggedin;notcharging
• No light – Vehicle is not plugged in OR there is an issue with
the charger or outlet
• No light and repetitive horn chirps – Electricity was
interrupted before charging was completed
Charging Status Indicator (Side Mirrors)
• Solid green–Batteryischarging;chargingislessthan
half complete
• Fast ashing green – Charging is more than half complete
• Slow ashing green – Charging is nearly complete
• No light – Not charging
See Driving and Operating in your Owner Manual.