First Engine Oil Change After Every
120 000 km/75,000 Miles
Professional Vehicle Only: Engine cooling system
drain, flush, and refill, cooling system and cap
pressure check, and cleaning of outside of radiator
and air conditioning condenser (or every 5 years,
whichever occurs first). See Engine Coolant
page 6‑26
. An Emission Control Service.
First Engine Oil Change After Every
160 000 km/100,000 Miles
Automatic transmission fluid and filter change
(normal service). See Automatic Transmission
Fluid on page 6‑21.
Spark plug replacement. An Emission Control
First Engine Oil Change After Every
240 000 km/150,000 Miles
Except Professional Vehicle: Engine cooling
system drain, flush, and refill, cooling system and
cap pressure check, and cleaning of outside of
radiator and air conditioning condenser (or every
5 years, whichever occurs first). See Engine
on page 6‑26
. An Emission Control
Engine accessory drive belt inspection for fraying,
excessive cracks, or obvious damage and
replacement, if needed. An Emission Control