Installation: Rear-facing Installation: Rear-facing
Recline the child seat and then place it rear-1
facing on vehicle seat.
This child seat must be
in the recline position when installed rear-facing.
See Recline Adjustment on page 34.
Pull the vehicle belt out and pass it through 2
the closest rear-facing belt slot (Fig. C).
Route the vehicle belt across the child seat 3
then through the second rear-facing belt
The vehicle belt must rest IN FRONT OF the •
child seat buckle when using buckle slots 1 or
2 (Fig. B).
Vehicle belt can be routed over or under the cover.•
Lap-Belt Installation
Figure A illustrates a typical rear-facing, lap-belt •
When not in use, always store the LATCH •
connectors in storage slots. See page 34.
See vehicle owner’s manual to determine what •
type of retractor your vehicle has and how to
lock it (also see pg 10-13).
IMPORTANT: This child seat is shipped with the
buckle in position 1 (Fig. B). Use buckle position
1 or 2 that is closest to but not underneath your
child. Do not use buckle position 3 in rear-facing
mode. See page 38 for Adjusting Harness Buckle
Verify that the vehicle belt is not twisted and 4
then buckle (Fig. D).
Push the child seat firmly into the vehicle seat 5
while removing slack from the vehicle belt.
Ensure the vehicle seat belt system is locked.•
Verify that the vehicle belt is tight, locked, 6
and that the child seat is secure.
The child seat is secure when it cannot be •
moved more than one inch (2.5 cm) front-to-
back or side-to-side at the belt path.
When properly installed in the rear-facing •
position, the back angle of the child seat
should be 30º – 45º from vertical (not to
exceed 45º) when the car is parked on a level
surface (Fig. F).
If necessary, the proper recline angle can •
be achieved by placing a rolled towel or pool
noodle in the crease of the vehicle seat to level
the child seat’s base.
Rear-facing installation can be improved by the •
use of the Versa-Tether see pages 29 - 32.
WARNING! Do not use this seat
with a two-point Emergency Locking Retractor
(ELR) vehicle belt that does not lock.