A beginner’s guide to slow cookingUsing the temperature control settings
In years gone by, food cooked in large pots and
allowed to simmer for hours was full of flavour,
moist and tender. The Breville Avance Meal Maker 3
is designed to produce these same results, whilst
leaving you the time to do other things, making it
perfect for today’s busy lifestyles.
Here is a guide to help simplify the process of slow
cooking, allowing you to obtain maximum satisfaction
from your Avance Meal Maker 3:
It’s all in the timing
Always allow sufficient time for the food to cook.
It is almost impossible to overcook in the Avance
Meal Maker 3 particularly when using the Low
Most of the recipes contained within this book can be
cooked on the High or Lo
w settings, however the
cooking times will vary accordingly. Each recipe will
give specific instructions indicating the appropriate
settings and suggested cooking times.
Ensure the food and/or liquid in the recipes fills at
of the removable crockery bowl.
High humidity, altitude, cold tap water and
ingredients and minor fluctuations may slightly
affect the cooking times in the Avance Meal
Maker 3
Adapting cooking times
Your favourite traditional recipes can be adapted
easily by halving the amount of liquid and increasing
the cooking time considerably. The following is a
guide to adjusting your favourite recipes:
These times are approximate. Times can
vary depending on ingredients and quantities
in recipes.
Traditional Meal Maker
recipe time recipe time
15-30 minutes 4-6 hours on low setting
60 minutes 6-8 hours on low setting
1-3 hours 8-12 hours on low setting
Keep Warm setting
The Keep Warm setting is used to keep cooked foods
at serving temperature. It is not a cooking setting and
should only be used after first cooking on the Low or
High setting. It is not recommended to keep food on
the Keep Warm setting for more than 4 hours.
Low setting
The Low setting gently simmers food for an extended
period of time without overcooking or burning. No
stirring is required when using this setting.
High setting
The High setting is used when cooking dried beans or
pulses and will cook food in half the time required for
the Low setting. Some foods may boil when cooked
on the High setting, so it may be necessary to add
extra liquid. This will depend on the recipe and the
amount of time in which it is cooked. Occasional
stirring of stews and casseroles will improve the
flavour distribution.