Serves 4 as part of an appetiser
1lb (450g) boneless white fish fillets (cod or
halibut is preferable)
1 tablespoon red curry paste
1 teaspoon fish sauce
1 tablespoon sweet Thai chili sauce
½ bunch cilantro
2 eggs
¼ cup well cooked rice
2 limes, juiced
Dipping sauce
½ cup (110g) sugar
⁄3 cup (80ml) white vinegar
1 tablespoon fish sauce
½ Lebanese cucumber, seeded and finely diced
1 long red chilli, finely chopped
1. To make the dipping sauce; combine
sugar, vinegar and 2 tablespoons cold
water into a small saucepan. Stir over
medium high heat until sugar has
dissolved, increase heat and bring
to a boil . Stir in fish sauce and cool
completely. Just before serving, stir
through cucumber and chilli.
2. Assemble the processing bowl using the
S Blade™. Cut fish into large cubes and
place into the processing bowl along
with curry paste, fish sauce, cilantro,
eggs, rice, juice from limes. Using speed
15; pulse ingredients until mixture is
3. Heat oil in a deep fryer or wok.
4. Drop tablespoonful amounts in the hot
oil in batches and cook 1–2 minutes on
each side or until fish cakes are golden
brown. Remove and drain on paper
towel. Repeat with remaining fish cakes
and serve with dipping sauce and lime
To reduce the risk of fire and electric
shock, do not process for more than 15
seconds with this recipe.