2 cups icing sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa
20g butter, softened
1-2 tablespoons warm water
1. Sift icing sugar and cocoa together.
2. Combine with butter and water in the small
mixing bowl and beat on Speed 1.
3. Increase to Speed 4 and mix until smooth and
4. Use immediately.
Sponge cakes are best served on the day made as
they do not store well due to low fat content.
40 x 60g eggs, separated
¾ cup castor sugar
1 cup self raising flour, sifted
50g cooking chocolate, melted
3 tablespoons water
Cream Filling
300ml thickened cream
¼ teaspoon cocoa
2 teaspoons honey
1 quantity Chocolate Glace Icing
1. Beat egg whites in the small mixing bowl on
Speed 12 until stiff peaks form.
2. Gradually add sugar and beat until thick and
glossy. Add egg yolks and beat well.
3. Sift flour
4. Divide mixture evenly between two greased,
floured and base-lined 20cm cake pans.
5. Bake in a moderate oven 180ºC for 10-15
minutes or until cake springs back when
touched and comes away slightly from the
6. Cool for about 10 minutes, turn out and cool
on rack.
7. Place Cream Filling ingredients into the
cleaned small mixing bowl and beat on Speed
12 until soft peaks form.
8. When cake is cold, turn one sponge half over
and spread with Cream Filling.
9. Cover top of other sponge half with Chocolate
Glace Icing then place on top of Cream Filling.