Only process chemicals that have been tested and approved (e.g. VAH/
DGHM or FDA approval or CE mark) and which are compatible with the
product’s materials according to the chemical manufacturers’
recommendations may be used for processing the product. All process
parameters specified by the chemical’s manufacturer, such as
temperatures, concentrations and exposure times, must be strictly
observed. Failure to do so can result in the following problems:
• optical changes of materials, e.g. fading or discoloration of aluminum.
For aluminum, pH >8 in the application/process solution is sufficient
to cause visible surface changes.
• material damage such as corrosion, cracks, fracturing, premature aging
or swelling.
¾ Do not use process chemicals that cause stress cracking of plastics
such as PPSU, or attack softeners e.g. in silicone and cause brittleness
of the material.
5.2 Cleaning/Disinfecting
Damage to the product due to inappropriate
cleaning/disinfecting agents and/or excessive
¾ Use cleaning and disinfecting agents according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. The cleaning
and disinfecting agent must
- be approved for plastics and high-grade
- not attack softeners (e.g. in silicone).
¾ Observe specifications regarding concentration,
temperature and exposure time.