The test lasts for 10 minutes and must be taken with the provided Heart Rate
Transmitter Strap (see page 23). The program slowly increases your speed
from a selected starting speed to a selected finish speed. At the end of the
program, your Fitness Score is calculated based on your Heart Rate, your
speed, and your Step Level (also your age, weight, and gender are included
in the calculation.) This score (up to 5 scores) will be stored in your Bowflex
Advantage™ data.
The Bowflex® Fitness Test is a great tool to measure your fitness progress.
Your Workload is calculated by measuring your Speed, Weight, and Step
Level. Your “effort level” is calculated by knowing your Heart Rate and your
predicted maximum heart rate.
You should be able to repeat the actions during the test so that the next
time you test the results will be accurate. To be repeatable, we mean that your
“Workload” must be repeatable, and your effort measurement must be taken in
a repeatable way.
Repeatable Workload: Remember, your Workload is calculated by measuring your Speed, Step Level and Weight.
Speed: It is important to keep your “Starting Speed” and “Testing Speed” consistent.
Weight: Always enter your correct current weight.
Step Level: Pick a level that feels comfortable to you and always use this same setting to take the test.
Other Factors: Two other factors that can skew the results of measuring an accurate Work Level are your position
on the treadles and the amount you involve your upper body.
Position: Stand up tall and don’t lean too far forward or too far back.
Upper Body: Ideally you should use a light grip on the handlebars or the ergo bar. This should be enough just to
assist in your balance. If you grip with a lot of force you will actually reduce your total Work Load.
Repeatable Effort Level: Above we mentioned that as your fitness improves, your “effort level” should decrease. That is
still true, we mean that we need to measure your Effort Level in a repeatable manner. We are measuring your Heart Rate
and comparing that against your calculated maximum heart rate (220 – your age.)
Try to avoid doing the following before taking the Fitness Test:
1. Heavy exercise 12 hours prior to taking the test.
2. Eating meals or drinking caffeine product 1 hour before the test
3. If you are sick or are on the verge of sickness.
The best way to tell if you are “ready to test” is to check your heart rate while standing. For subsequent tests always
repeat this and look for your heart rate to be within 7 beats of this “standing heart rate.”
If you notice that your heart rate is higher than normal, and if you have not been previously exercising, eating, or drinking
caffeine products, then it may be a good idea to exercise at an easier level that day, or maybe even take a “rest day.”