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1.0 FreeSpace
4400 Introduction
1.1 The Bose
Business Music System
The FreeSpace
4400 system is an integrated four-channel digital
signal processor and 400-watt power amplifier for 70/100V busi
ness music applications.
The FreeSpace 4400 system has a total of four source inputs,
including two Line In, one Mic/Line and one Page/Mic/Line, to
provide the inputs needed for most business music installations.
The system also has a direct input which can override the
sources playing on all four output channels.
The FreeSpace 4400 system has four amplifier output channels
which can be configured for different zones. A Music on Hold out
put is also provided for simple integration into a phone system.
In a single chassis, it provides all of the processing and control
features required for one-to-four zone business music applica-
tions. These features include:
• Auto Volume: When used with the optional FreeSpace system
Auto Volume Sense Mic, FreeSpace 4400 system electronics
dynamically control the program level in each zone so your cus
tomers can always hear it, regardless of the background noise.
• Scheduling: Allows you to program the FreeSpace 4400 sys-
tem electronics for automated on/off control, source changes,
and volume changes according to time of day or day of week.
• Multi-Zone Paging: Allows you to initiate a page from a single
keypad to one or more of the zones being powered by the
same FreeSpace 4400 system.
• Opti-voice
Paging: Provides a smooth transition between
music and page signals.
• Opti-source
Input Leveling: Monitors the input level of up to
four sources and continually makes adjustments to maintain a
consistent volume level between different sources.
• Dynamic Equalization: Maintains tonal balance at all listening
• Room Equalization: Provides easy adjustment of tonal bal-
ance in each zone.
• Signal Routing: Meets the demands of most four-zone sys-
tems, allowing for an input source to be routed to any of the
four amplifier outputs.
• Serial Data Interface: RS-232 serial port for easy interfacing
to your PC
• Remote On/Off Input: Accepts a remote STANDBY switch
The integrated 400-watt power amplifier features a patented
power-sharing technology which dynamically allocates power to
each output.
For example, if you have a two-zone system that requires 5 watts
in Zone 1 and 395 watts in Zone 2, the FreeSpace 4400 system
electronics distributes the power based on those needs.
The FreeSpace 4400 system also includes an easy-to-replace
memory module, which holds the system configuration settings
and design file uploaded by the FreeSpace 4400 Installer™
(see page 3).
1.2 FreeSpace 4400 system accessories
Optional Bose accessories for the FreeSpace 4400 system are
• FreeSpace 4400 System AVM 1-Zone User Interface
A wall-mountable keypad that fits into a stan-
dard double-gang junction box. It provides buttons for volume
up/down control, 1-3 source selection, and mute or Auto Vol-
ume on/off controls for a single zone.
• FreeSpace 4400 System AVM 2-Zone User Interface
A wall-mountable keypad that fits into a stan-
dard double-gang junction box. It provides buttons for volume
up/down control, 1-3 source selection, and mute or Auto Vol-
ume on/off controls for two zones.
• FreeSpace 4400 System Auto Volume Mic Kit (U.S.)
One sensing microphone that can be mounted
as is or in a standard U.S. single-gang junction box.
• FreeSpace 4400 System Auto Volume Mic Kit (Euro)
(PC042355) One sensing microphone that can be mounted
as is or in a standard Euro single-gang junction box.
• FreeSpace 4400 System Page User Interface
A wall-mountable keypad that fits into a stan-
dard double-gang junction box. It provides buttons for 1-4
page zone selection, all page zones selection and initiate page.