106 | en LTC 8600 | LTC 8800 Series
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Instruction Manual F.01U.127.393 | 2.0 | 2009.03
A series of camera scenes that can be preprogrammed to automatically switch. The
Allegiant system can store up to 60 separate sequences, with each one capable of
having a random camera order, individual camera dwell times, and SalvoSwitching
Time Event
An Allegiant system feature (available with the LTC 8850 GUI Software or the
LTC 8059 MCS) that enables various system functions to be periodically activated
automatically. Event functions such as monitor message broadcasts, sequence and
switching operations, receiver/driver actions, message printing, alarm settings, and
execution of custom factory programming can be stored in the system memory to
be executed at a pre-determined time. The task can be specified to begin on a spe-
cific year, month, day, and time, and can be programmed to repeat at intervals rang-
ing from every five minutes up to a year.
Vertical Interval Switching
Vertical Interval switching is a method of switching video from camera to camera
during the vertical blanking interval period of the video signal. This minimizes visual
switching disturbances such as rolling, jitter, video flashes, etc. and eliminates
frame information loss when used with VCR machines.