Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide |
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 8/08 | F01U087780-01 7
2.3 Input Functions
The C900V2 has three inputs monitored by analog-
to-digital (A/D) converters:
• Input 1 (IN1): Used as an end-of-line (EOL)
supervised loop. If input status reports are
enabled by the receiver using the Conettix
D6200 Programming/Administration Software
(referred to as D6200 Software), any voltage
below 1.66 VDC is sent as a short-circuit
message to the D6600. Any voltage above
3.33 VDC is sent as an open-circuit message.
Input 1 must be EOL-terminated with a 10 k
resistor. Refer to the D6600/D6100i Computer
Interface Manual (P/N: 4998122703) for Event
Messages to automation software.
• Input 2 (IN2): Used for Intercept Inhibit. If Input
2 rises above 5.5 VDC, the C900V2 is
immediately forced into Fallback Mode for at
least 2 minutes. Input 2 must go low for at least
5 seconds to be considered low. If Input 2 is
not used, allow it to remain disconnected.
• Input 3 (IN3): Used for Intercept Override. If
Input 3 rises above 5.5 VDC for 5 seconds, the
C900V2 enters Fallback Mode. If Input 3 goes
low, the C900V2 returns to Intercept Mode. If
this input is connected to a ground start relay
output, the C900V2 remains in Intercept Mode,
except to allow the dialer to dial. Input 3 cannot
force Intercept Mode if the C900V2 is in
Fallback Mode because of an error, a
command, or a high signal at Input 2. If this
input is not used, allow it to remain
You cannot use Inputs 1, 2 and 3 for UL
Fire Listing. You can use the inputs for
other purposes.
Figure 6: C900V2 Input, Output, and Power
2.4 Output Functions
The C900V2 has four relay contact outputs:
• Output 1 (OUT1): Active (open) when the CPU
works properly. If the CPU fails or loses power,
Output 1 closes.
Connect Output 1 from the C900V2 to a
24-hour zone on the control panel. This
24-Hour Zone Alarm report enables the digital
dialer, if used, to indicate or sound a failure if
the C900V2 CPU fails.
• Output 2 (OUT2): Active (open) when the
receiver works properly, and closed when the
receiver does not respond to or acknowledge a
message sent from the C900V2.
Connect Output 2 from the C900V2 to a
24-hour zone on the control panel. This
24-Hour Zone Alarm Report enables the digital
dialer, if used, to indicate or sound a failure if
the network communications path fails.
• Output 3 (OUT3): Active (open) when the
C900V2 is in Intercept Mode.
• Output 4 (OUT4): Controlled by a command
from the D6200 Software or receiver. The
default is open.
2.5 Power Terminal Strip
Table 1: Power Terminal Functions
Terminal Description
V (+) Connect regulated 12 to 24 VDC power to
this terminal and the – V terminal. This
power can be supplied by a separate power
supply or auxiliary power from the control
V (–) 12 to 24 VDC return.
Connect to earth ground.
2.6 Telephone Connections
Use two of the RJ-45 telephone connectors to
connect to the control panel and to the PSTN. The
connector pins are identified in Table 2 and
Figure 7.
Table 2: Control Panel and PSTN RJ-45
Pin Connection
1 T1
4 T
5 R
8 R1
Figure 7: RJ-11 Connector Wiring