
Contacts stores up to 600 numbers or addresses.
Each Contacts entry can store several numbers or
A Contacts entry contains:
A name — A name is required if your are storing
more than one number or address to the entry;
otherwise, it is optional. Typically, this is the
name of the person whose contact information is
stored in the entry.
each entry. This is the sound your phone makes
when you receive phone calls or call alerts from
any of the numbers stored in the entry.
A Contacts type — Each number or address
stored must be assigned a Contacts type:
A number or address — Each Contacts entry
must contain a number or address. This may be
any type of phone number, Boost Walkie Talkie
number number, email address, or IP address.
Note: You can store numbers up to 64 digits
long, but every 20 digits must be
separated by a pause or wait. See
“Creating Pauses and Waits” on page 33.
A Mobile phone number
B DC Boost Walkie Talkie
number number
C Work1 phone number
D Work2 phone number
E Home phone number
F Email email address
G Fax phone number
H Pager phone number
J IP IP address
K Other phone number