36 / EN
Washing Machine /User’s Manual
Washing takes longer time than specified in the manual.(*)
• Waterpressureislow.>>>Machine waits until taking in adequate amount of water to prevent poor washing
quality due to the decreased amount of water. Therefore, the washing time extends.
• Voltagemightbelow.>>>Washing time is prolonged to avoid poor washing results when the supply voltage is
• Inputtemperatureofwatermightbelow.>>>Required time to heat up the water extends in cold seasons. Also,
washing time can be lengthened to avoid poor washing results.
• Numberofrinsesand/oramountofrinsewatermighthaveincreased.>>>Machine increases the amount of
rinse water when good rinsing is needed and adds an extra rinsing step if necessary.
• Excessivefoammighthaveoccurredandautomaticfoamabsorptionsystemmighthavebeenactivateddueto
toomuchdetergentusage.>>>Use recommended amount of detergent.
Programme time does not countdown. (On models with display)(*)
• Timermaystopduringwaterintake.>>>Timer indicator will not countdown until the machine takes in adequate
amount of water. The machine will wait until there is sufficient amount of water to avoid poor washing results due
to lack of water. Timer indicator will resume countdown after this.
• Timermaystopduringheatingstep.>>>Timer indicator will not countdown until the machine reaches the
selected temperature.
• Timermaystopduringspinningstep.>>>Automatic unbalanced load detection system might be activated due
to the unbalanced distribution of the laundry in the drum.
Programme time does not countdown.(*)
• Theremightbeanimbalanceoflaundryinthemachine.>>>Automatic unbalanced load detection system
might be activated due to the unbalanced distribution of the laundry in the drum.
Machine does not switch to spinning step.(*)
• Theremightbeanimbalanceoflaundryinthemachine.>>>Automatic unbalanced load detection system
might be activated due to the unbalanced distribution of the laundry in the drum.
• Themachinewillnotspinifwaterisnotdrainedcompletely.>>>Check the filter and the draining hose.
• Excessivefoammighthaveoccurredandautomaticfoamabsorptionsystemmighthavebeenactivateddueto
toomuchdetergentusage.>>>Use recommended amount of detergent.
Washing performance is poor: Laundry turns gray.(**)
• Insufficientamountofdetergentwasusedoveralongperiodoftime.>>>Use the recommended amount of
detergent appropriate for water hardness and the laundry.
• Washingwasmadeatlowtemperaturesforalongtimeoveralongperiodoftime.>>>Select the proper
temperature for the laundry to be washed.
• Insufficientamountofdetergentisusedwithhardwaters.>>>Using insufficient amount of detergent with
hard water causes the soil to stick on the cloth and this turns the cloth into gray in time. It is difficult to eliminate
graying once it happens. Use the recommended amount of detergent appropriate for water hardness and the
• Toomuchdetergentisused.>>>Use the recommended amount of detergent appropriate for water hardness
and the laundry.