s Wireless Modem
SALES: 0118 965 5100
T1 CSU/DSU Applications
In most T1 applications, the 2.048Mbps Wireless Modem replaces the CSU/DSU (or OCU)
used in regular wired connections.
Figure B-6. T1/DSU Network Interface
This type of connection is referred to as “DSU network connection”. In order to meet the
applicable pulse mask requirements of the DSX-1 standard, the Pulse Shape Parameter
should be set according to the line length.
Figure B-7. T1/CSU Network Interface
In several applications, the modem may be connected to CSU/DSU equipment, as shown in
Figure B-7. This type of connection may be chosen because of a technical (e.g., a special
MUX interface not supported by 2.048Mbps Wireless Modem) or some other reason. This
type of connection is referred to as a “CSU network connection”, and the Line Length
Parameters menu should be set accordingly (option 6).